before 30

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A college acquaintance of mine recently wrote a blog post on My Sparkly Life about 30 things she wants to do in her 30th year of life. It got me thinking: I'm about 11 months away from turning the big 3-0, and there are so many changes I hope to make in my life by then. I couldn't think of 30, and mine are a little more vague, but here are a few of the things to do/make happen before I turn 30:

  • Honor commitments to my family and friends, big or small. If I say I'm going to come to your housewarming party, baby shower, or girl's night, I will be there.

  • Be on time. Anyone who knows me knows I'm AWFUL at being on time. I can't pinpoint why I am so bad at this, but I reaaallly want to change this. What better time than before 30?

  • Find a partner who is deserving and accepting of my love-someone who isn't scared by it and will run away. This may be the toughest challenge in the year, but I refuse to get discouraged!

  • Find my passion and make it a career. I know it's possible to find a job I love, because I know many people who have. I need to dig deep to find that passion, and be willing to take the steps to get there. I have an idea, so that's a good start!

  • Work on my professional development-Join a professional association and network with people. Learn new transferable skills.

  • Volunteer more. I was really passionate about volunteering for a while, and then I got lazy. I thought my sleep and my "me" time were more important than helping others in need. Not so anymore!

  • Pay off my credit card debt. This seems lofty now, but I know I can make it happen if I put my mind to it.

  • Save up and buy a new car. Everyone knows I feel like I'm going to die in the 'Bu one of these days. Probably not the best thought when in your main mode of transportation! I'd love to feel safe in my car, and in one that doesn't suck my wallet dry.

  • Find my own place. While I wish I could afford a house (or know where I want to settle down, for that matter), I know renting will be the way I go for now. So I want to find a place I can truly make a home.

  • Work on controlling my stress. I hate being known as high strung, but that's just who I am! It'll be hard to break a habit I've had for 29 years, but I sure am going to try!

  • Cook more at home. This one is self explanatory. :)

  • Make my health a priority. Exercise more, and make better food choices. Focus on every form of health-physical, mental, emotional.

  • Go on a girl's trip with my best friends to reconnect. Vegas, here we come?

  • Decide whether I want to go back to school for my MBA or not. If so-go for it and apply!

  • Take more risks. I feel like I had naivete on my side in my early 20's, so I was much more spontaneous (Also known as being fearless and dumb. Ha.) I don't have anything tying me down right now, so it's the perfect time to do things that scare me! Get my first tattoo? Sky dive? Take an impromptu road trip across the country? Who knows!

The idea of 30 is still pretty scary to me. But if I do even 1/3 of the things on this list, I think I'll freak out a little less. To my friends who are already 30 or over, any tips on how to handle this milestone birthday?

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