my talent

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A few years ago, I discovered I have a very useless "talent". This talent certainly won't save the world, but it has helped a few frazzled friends from time to time. If you need help naming a song, or figuring out who sings it, I can find that for you. I can watch a movie with a fairly obscure actor and name at least one other movie he/she has been in. I give myself bonus points for knowing who they are, even under heavy disguise. If only I could use this gift to remember real life important facts...

The newest facet to this talent is knowing who voices certain commercials. Here are the latest examples of this amazing gift of mine...

This one may not come as a shocker to most. I think he has a very distinctive voice. Maybe it's my years being obsessed with The Office. Maybe it's the fact the ads are played all day when I listen to Pandora. Either way, it's easy to hear that John Krasinski is the voice behind the esurance ads.

I was almost certain I recognized this voice in two separate commercials. While most people, including my roommate, didn't believe me, a recent Google search proved I was right. Tim Allen is the voice for both the Michigan ads and the Chevy Cruze commercial.

I was pretty psyched to figure out I was right on this next one. Zach Woods, who plays Gabe on The Office, is the zombie on the Starburst commercial. This one makes me giggle every time.

Are there any other commercials you can think of that have a familiar voice?

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