pet peeves

pet peeves 2

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's time for round 2 of my pet peeves! Yay! (You can see round 1 here.) As I was compiling this list, I realized a lot of it revolves around work and people downtown. Does that really come as a surprise though? I mean, if you work in an office or downtown, you know what's up.

People who don't follow public restroom etiquette. I've ranted about this before. A whole post could be dedicated just to this topic. Ladies-there is public bathroom etiquette. I used to think there were unspoken rules, but it appears most women at my job don't know any of these. Most bathrooms at my workplace have 3 regular stalls and one handicap stall. If you're the only one in the bathroom, take one of the outside stalls! Do NOT take the middle stall. This makes the next person in have to take a stall next to you. Along the same line, if you come in and someone is already in an outside stall, DON'T take the one in the middle. If the other outside stall is available, you take it. Women on my floor are also extremely guilty of taking the stall next to me no matter what is open. I'm not sure why this bothers me as much as it does, but does. So ladies, choose wisely!

Slow walkers in the skyway. I by nature walk fast because I have short legs. I get it that not everyone walking the skyways has somewhere to be in a hurry. But for the love of God, pick up the pace a little! If you're walking slow AND four people wide, I will pull my hair out. I feel it's common courtesy to make sure you aren't hogging the skyway. I guess it's not.

Downtown jaywalkers. Ok, I'm guilty of jaywalking too. Sometimes there's no reason to follow the lines on the road that closely. But people downtown take it to a whole new level. They run in front of cars and buses. They can't be bothered to wait the 2.2 seconds it'll take for the walk sign to appear. How are people always running so late?

People who use the handicap button for doors when they don't need to. It's one thing if you have a ton of bags with you, or your arms are full for whatever reason. But I've seen people press this button out of pure laziness, patiently waiting for the door to open. In that time, I've gone through both sets of doors with little to no effort. Come on people.

People who walk on the left side of a hallway/skyway. Again-this may just be me, but I treat hallways and skyways the same as I would the road. I stick to the right side no matter what. Other people seem to have different ideas. They walk on the left side, often the opposite direction as me and around blind curves where I inevitably run into them-because I'm walking on the right side! One of those awkward dances ensues and I walk away flustered. Let's avoid these moments by walking on the right side people.

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